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Research Report on China's Probiotics Market DevelopmentResearch Report on China's Probiotics Market Development

Times:2023-03-24 15:20:00 From:Okobake
Probiotics are living microorganisms, that is, they can reach the intestinal tract of humans or animals alive, improve the intestinal environment, make the ecological balance of intestinal flora, regulate immunity, and maintain and improve health. . In the mid-1970s, Japan, France, and the United States began extensive research on probiotics and prebiotics and entered the stage of production and application.

Probiotics are living microorganisms, that is, they can reach the intestinal tract of humans or animals alive, improve the intestinal environment, make the ecological balance of intestinal flora, regulate immunity, and maintain and improve health. . In the mid-1970s, Japan, France, and the United States began extensive research on probiotics and prebiotics and entered the stage of production and application. The research and development of Chinese probiotics, if the Japanese introduced the probiotic product "Yakult" into the Chinese market in 2001, and opened the first production and processing plant of probiotic products in mainland China in Guangzhou Technology Development Zone, it is a symbol of the Chinese probiotic market In terms of starting point, today this industry market has developed and existed in China for 10 years. It can be said that China's probiotics product market has grown from scratch, from a single product to diversity and a certain scale of capacity. It took only 10 years for it to develop by leaps and bounds and gradually mature. Towards more specialization and industrialization. With regard to the market cultivation and industrialization of probiotic products, the author wrote at the 2nd and 3rd International Symposium on Probiotics and Health held by Guangdong Food Society in 2003 and 2004 respectively. Discussion and prospect analysis of two articles titled "Development Trend of China's Probiotics Market" and "Research and Application of Probiotics in China and Market Development Prospect", looking at the development of my country's probiotics market in the past 10 years , can be said to be a miracle, the market consumption capacity of probiotic products is developing rapidly at an average annual growth rate of more than 1 billion yuan. China's probiotic product market has gone through 10 years, what is the current state of its development and theoretical research? Which problems still exist? The author will make further analysis and research on this, and report the research results as follows:

1. The general situation of my country in the field of theoretical research on probiotics

In terms of theoretical research on probiotics, in fact, our country started not too late. Before the "Cultural Revolution" of the last century, my country had already set foot in the research of the field of probiotics theory, and its research level was not far behind that of Japan, France, the United States and other countries, basically at the same frontier level. But with the outbreak of the "Cultural Revolution", this theoretical research was forced to stop and was completely abandoned. After the 1990s, the research on probiotics in my country has been revived and received attention. After entering the 21st century, my country has made a major breakthrough in the research and cognition of probiotics. After entering the 21st century, my country has begun to enter the stage of large-scale mass production of probiotic products; research in the theoretical field has entered a new climax.

According to statistics from relevant literature databases, since 2002, there have been more than 5,000 articles in my country that have reported on the health benefits of probiotics; only in 2008 were published in "Medical Medicine" There are 791 research articles on probiotics in journals. During the 10-year period from 1991 to 2000, there were 294 research papers on probiotics and intestinal flora in China; Intestinal flora research) scientific research literature as many as 2223. In terms of research field or content, it appears to be more in-depth and broad. The current research field of Professor Cai Yingjie from the Institute of Biochemistry and Molecule, Taiwan Yangming University has involved in the nutrition and coordination relationship between the intestinal tract and the brain, as well as probiotics. The field of mixing and using bacteria and prebiotics; Professor He Guoqing of Zhejiang University's research topic on probiotics is "probiotics and immunity"; Professor Ren Fazheng of China Agricultural University and others have focused on the research of probiotics. "Applicable to the research and development, screening and functional evaluation of Chinese probiotic strains" field. It is reported that in the near future, the original generation of probiotic strains researched and developed by the Chinese that is closer to the level of Japanese Yakult fermented strains will be available soon; the research direction of the president of Guangdong Food Society and Professor Zeng Qingxiao of South China University of Technology is the effect of probiotics on Human influence and role, and the safety regulation of probiotic foods. In recent years, the theoretical research on the cognition and application of probiotics has become more and more in-depth and extensive, and there are more and more papers. The number of published articles on intestinal flora and probiotics has reached 260; the team of researchers is also growing, and even some graduate students and doctoral thesis involve the field of probiotics. The above probiotics research experts not only have profound research purposes in the theoretical field, they also unanimously suggest that human beings should make good use of probiotics for the benefit of human beings, and that people should eat more probiotics in their lives.

2. The basic situation of China's current probiotic product market development

If the Japanese active lactic acid bacteria drink Yakult was officially produced and sold in Guangzhou in 2001 as the starting point for the formation of the Chinese probiotic product market, then, today, China’s probiotic market has been in existence for 10 years. up. In the past 10 years of development, probiotics have been widely used, and more and more products and their manufacturers have been involved. According to incomplete statistics, there are as many as 14 manufacturers producing only probiotic lactic acid beverages. Among them, there are 8 manufacturers of active bacteria beverages, such as Yiliduo, Yangliduo, Weiquan, Mengniu, Guangming, Meileduo, Yinleduo, Enyouduo, and Yijunduo. The bactericidal lactic acid bacteria beverage manufacturers include: Wahaha, Xile, Yuejia, Yaguludu, Robust, Yuantaizinai and other 6 companies. In addition to the above-mentioned companies that have more specialized probiotic lactic acid milk drinks, there are also a large number of dairy companies in the dairy industry, such as Sanyuan, Chenguang, Yantang, etc., all of which produce probiotic lactic acid milk drinks. In addition, probiotics have begun to be used in infant food, some pharmaceuticals, and farming, animal husbandry, aquatic products, and environmental protection industries with good results. According to the market research report data released by Bcc market research company, the total global probiotics consumption market in 2007 was about 14.9 billion US dollars, and by 2013, the global probiotics consumption market totaled about 19.6 billion US dollars. It is estimated that the total annual consumption market of probiotic products in my country should reach RMB 13 billion to RMB 15 billion. In the previous 10 years, the average annual increase in the market was about RMB 1 billion.

3. Some problems in the current development

1. Among the existing probiotic milk yogurt drinks, there is a problem of "one high and two low" in their products, that is, most lactic acid drinks contain too much sugar (up to 30-40%), which makes quite a few people afraid of sugar Consumers with high blood pressure are turned away and dare not consume such products, which may even easily cause obesity in children and even normal healthy people.

The two lows refer to low milk content and low nutrients. At present, the general milk content of such lactic acid beverage products is only about 30% to 35%. The low nutrition means that its protein content is only about 0.7-1.2%, which cannot meet the nutritional needs of the human body.

2. The index content of active lactic acid bacteria (probiotics) in lactic acid bacteria milk drinks is low, especially at the end of the shelf life or expiration date. The active bacteria index of active lactic acid bacteria products of most manufacturers cannot reach 106, or even decline to zero.

3. The order of the market is chaotic, and the product varieties are confused. It is even found that there are non-probiotic products sold under the banner of probiotic products in the market.

4. Product names are highly imitative or too foreign-language. For example, there are as many as seven or eight product names with the word "many".

5. Manufacturers are playing with the concept of strains to hype, and the smoke of strains is everywhere. For example, Yakult and Yanglituo’s Daita strain, Mengniu’s LABS bacteria, Danone’s BE80 bacteria, Yili’s LGG bacteria, AB probiotics, Bright Bulgaria’s longevity village’s magical secret Moslyan L99 active probiotics, B+100 active probiotics Probiotics, there are others such as BB crown bacteria, ABSL bacteria and so on.

6. Consumers can’t tell which probiotic products are bactericidal and which are active bacteria. They are in a vague consumption state and are very easy to be deceived, especially when they drink some products that are about to expire and the active bacteria have all died. From which to really share the benefits or benefits of probiotics.

Four, a few suggestions

1. Moderately reduce the sugar content of lactic acid bacteria (probiotics) beverage products, and cut off the root cause of children's obesity from the source of food and beverages.

2. Increase the milk content of the product to 50-60%.

3. Increase the protein content of lactic acid bacteria milk beverage products to 1.5-2.0%,

4. All walks of life are committed to the cultivation of the probiotic product market, and more publicity and guidance for the consumption of probiotic products.

5. Encourage and support the research and development based on the primary generation of localized probiotic strains, and strive to produce high-quality primary probiotic strains with original intellectual property rights completely owned by the Chinese in the near future.

6. It is recommended to revise and enrich the "Milk Containing Beverages" standard (GB/T21732-2008), which was established in 1992 and revised in 2009, to make it more complete, effective and practical.

7. Strengthen the research and technical promotion of the application of probiotic products in other fields such as food, medicine, agriculture, animal husbandry and aquatic products, and environmental protection, so that probiotics can have a wider application market and make more good contributions to human beings, so that It has become another "guardian" for human health.

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