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Synbiotics are widely used in the livestock and poultry breeding industry

Times:2023-03-24 15:20:00 From:Okobake
Before the end of 2020, medicinal feed additives will disappear in feed and can no longer be used in feed production. Especially, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has clearly given a timetable for reducing and limiting resistance at the feed end, and the absence of antibiotics in feed is imminent. As the time approaches, how will domestic feed enterprises deal with the comprehensive "feed ban" before the complete withdrawal of pharmaceutical feed additives in 2020?

Before the end of 2020, medicinal feed additives will disappear in feed and can no longer be used in feed production. Especially, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has clearly given a timetable for reducing and limiting resistance at the feed end, and the absence of antibiotics in feed is imminent. As the time approaches, how will domestic feed enterprises deal with the comprehensive "feed ban" before the complete withdrawal of pharmaceutical feed additives in 2020?

People in the industry generally believe that probiotics, enzyme preparations, antimicrobial peptides and other microecological preparations will be the mainstream products to reduce the substitution of feed antibiotics in China, and have been widely used in feed production in my country. Our company is a domestic enterprise specializing in the production of feed probiotics, glucose oxidase, mycotoxin decomposing enzymes, and antimicrobial peptides. It has five production lines: probiotic raw material production line, fermented traditional Chinese medicine production line, solid and liquid mixed feed additive production line and additive premixing Feed production line; for large group customers, provide enterococcus faecalis, Clostridium butyricum, Bacillus coagulans, Bacillus subtilis licheniformis, compound anti-infective lactic acid bacteria, mycotoxin decomposing enzyme, glucose oxidase and other micro-ecological preparation raw materials, Eucommia, Epimedium Raw materials of traditional Chinese medicine extracts such as Huohu and perilla seeds; providing compound probiotics, functional probiotics, biological acidifiers, Chinese medicine extract preparations, compound prebiotics, biological mold removers, Chinese medicine extracts, and feed for group customers and small and medium-sized customers Fermentation strains and other mature products and compound solutions for targeted problems in farms; at the same time, organic fertilizer starters, straw decomposing agents, aquatic EM strains, environmental deodorizing strains, aquaculture and other fields are launched Targeted microbial agents such as animal fattening and growth-promoting agents; the company also has various animal premixed feed products such as vitamin premixes, trace element premixes and compound premixes.
Today, I will explain to you the compound probiotic product produced by our company - Synbiotics. The synbiotics produced by our company are divided into two types: general type for livestock and poultry and special type for ruminants:

1. Synbiotics - universal type for livestock and poultry

According to the digestion characteristics of livestock and poultry, this product selects excellent strains such as Enterococcus faecalis, anti-infection lactic acid bacteria, yeast, Bacillus subtilis, and Bacillus licheniformis for separate culture, and heat-resistant coating treatment for lactic acid bacteria, and then the above five strains It is compounded according to scientific proportions, and the total number of live bacteria in the product is not less than 30 billion CFU/g. It is the preferred cost-effective non-antibiotic breeding product for livestock and poultry products. The product is preferably compound probiotics, which can regulate the intestinal microecological balance, improve animal immunity, and improve disease resistance. High-yield amylase and protease strains are selected to supplement digestive enzymes, promote digestion, improve feed utilization efficiency; stimulate intestinal mucosal immunity, improve the body's antibody level and anti-stress ability. Reduce feces excretion and fecal odor, purify the breeding environment, and reduce the birth of mosquitoes and flies. Multi-bacteria combination and synergistic effect form multiple protective barriers in the intestinal tract to maintain intestinal health in an all-round way.

The main ingredients of general-purpose synbiotics products for livestock and poultry are compound probiotics such as lactic acid bacteria, spores, and yeasts, which can withstand 85°C feed granulation simulation to adjust the survival rate of more than 90%; mixed culture can reduce intestinal pathogenic bacteria by 1000 times; as recommended Use the dosage for 7 days to reduce the feces odor by 60%.

Efficacy of general-purpose synbiotics for livestock and poultry:

1. Improve the digestion and absorption function of the gastrointestinal tract, improve the utilization rate of feed, promote the healthy growth of animals, and improve economic benefits.

2. Promote the proliferation and development of intestinal epithelial cells, prevent intestinal mucosal damage, improve intestinal health, and reduce the incidence of enteritis;

3. Regulate the balance of intestinal flora, inhibit the growth and reproduction of harmful bacteria, reduce the diarrhea rate of suckling piglets, and reduce the constipation of sows; prevent diarrhea in young poultry, and improve the ability to resist sudden death and stress;

※Increase feed intake, improve skin color, feed intake increased by 10-25% after 3 days of feeding, ruddy skin and bright coat after 7 days of feeding;

※Increase the daily weight gain of meat and poultry by 3-7%, prolong the peak egg production period, and make the poultry egg shell hard and the color correct;

※Improve the reproductive performance of sows, and increase the number of live weaned piglets by 0.5 on average;

4. After 7 days of use, the pathogenic bacteria in the feces are reduced by more than 90%, and the odor of feces is reduced by 70%, which solves the problem of loose manure and feed manure, and improves the sanitary environment of breeding;

5. Reduce or replace feed antibiotics, reduce drug resistance, and improve animal product quality.

6. Improve the body's immunity and anti-stress ability, reduce the incidence of disease, and promote the rapid recovery of animal spirit, appetite, and growth after illness; enhance the non-specific immunity of animals, and can replace immune enhancers such as immune polysaccharides and vitamin C to reduce the incidence of disease More than 60%.

Instructions for use: The recommended dosage of the full-price feed is shown in the table below, and the compound premix and concentrate are converted in proportion and then added.

Product Name Instructions for use
Synbiotics (common for livestock and poultry) For the use of mixing materials, add 200g of this product per ton of full-price materials
Synbiotics (water soluble) For drinking water, add 100g of this product per ton of water

2. Synbiotics - special type for ruminants

Ruminant-specific synbiotic products are mainly applicable to ruminants such as cattle, sheep, deer, alpacas, and antelopes. According to the digestive tract and intestinal microbial characteristics of ruminants and animal nutrition characteristics, this product adopts compound probiotics such as Aspergillus oryzae, yeast, lactic acid bacteria and Bacillus subtilis with high safety, and is reasonably compatible. Lactic acid bacteria adopt multi-layer coating technology to ensure that the live bacteria can withstand the influence of factors such as high temperature, gastric acid, feed processing and feed environment. It has the effects of regulating the balance of intestinal flora, promoting digestion, improving immunity, preventing mastitis, and increasing milk production. Main ingredients: lactic acid bacteria, spores, yeast, aspergillus, the total number of effective viable bacteria is more than 30 billion/g. The product is composed of a variety of functional strains and the effective combination of fermentation products and enzyme preparations to fully meet the nutritional and metabolic needs of ruminants. It can significantly improve the micro-ecological balance of the rumen, greatly increase the utilization of cellulosic bacteria and lactic acid bacteria, and supplement and improve the digestive enzyme system. Functional probiotics can effectively inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria, improve the immunity of ruminants, reduce the incidence of disease, and effectively reduce the dosage of drugs. It can provide various nutrients needed for fattening cattle and sheep, fattening, gaining weight, and shortening the time for slaughter. It can purify the breeding environment, reduce the concentration of harmful gases such as ammonia nitrogen in the house, reduce the moisture content in the feces, deodorize, and remove flies and mosquitoes. It can reduce the ratio of feed to meat and increase it by 10%~15%, so as to promote the digestion and absorption of nutrients and improve the utilization rate of feed. It can increase milk production by 5-8%, increase milk protein by 0.2-0.5%, reduce the number of somatic cells by 50-70%; improve milk protein and milk fat rate. It can enhance the non-specific immunity of ruminants and reduce the incidence rate by more than 60%.

In recent years, there have been more and more experimental studies and promotional applications of using probiotics to feed cattle, sheep, and rabbits in ruminant production, and the application effect is also very obvious. Many research data show that ruminant probiotics affect the number and activity of rumen microorganisms through their metabolites, enhance rumen fermentation, improve feed digestion and utilization, and thus achieve the effect of improving animal production performance. Feeding probiotics to ruminants such as cattle, sheep, and rabbits can affect the rumen microflora, increase the number of rumen bacteria, increase the protein synthesis of the bacteria, and improve the amino acid composition of the bacteria. According to reports, the number of cellulolytic bacteria in the rumen nearly doubles when ruminants are supplemented with probiotics. The increase in the total amount of cellulolytic bacteria and microorganisms in the rumen is beneficial to the digestion of crude fiber and other nutrients, thereby promoting the improvement of ruminant production performance.

Secondly, supplementary feeding of probiotics to ruminants can affect the fermentation of nutrients in the rumen. Addition of probiotics to calves' high-fiber diets increased the volatile fatty acids (VFA) in the rumen from 111.5 to 124.6 mmol per liter, indicating enhanced fermentation of nutrients in the rumen. At the same time, supplementary feeding of probiotics can more effectively degrade rumen crude protein, reduce ammoniacal nitrogen in the rumen, and improve nitrogen digestion and utilization. Ruminant probiotics can increase feed intake and digestibility of nutrients.

Feeding probiotics to ruminants can improve their production performance. According to reports, Sichuan Agricultural University used the 8701-type probiotics to feed cows with 50 mg of the preparation per kilogram of body weight, once a day for 30 consecutive days. As a result, the daily milk production of cows increased by 16.8%. The ruminant micro-ecological preparation produced by our company has been tested in feeding meat goats by farmers in Luoyang, our province. It shows that it can increase the daily weight gain of goats by 6% to 10%, and reduce the feed consumption by 8%. A local farmer used our company's ruminant probiotic products to raise cattle for an average of one hundred catties per head in less than a month. Feeding ruminants with probiotics is usually mixed into the concentrate feed as an additive and fed. For feeding sheep, add 50-70 grams per head per day; for feeding cattle, add 70-100 grams per head per day. If liquid probiotics are used, 1% of the daily drinking water of cattle (sheep) can be directly put into drinking water and allowed to drink freely. In addition, in production practice, it can also be fed at 0.1% to 0.3% of the dry matter of cattle (sheep) concentrate (coarse) feed. Different livestock species and their different production stages can be increased or decreased as appropriate, and fed flexibly.

Efficacy of synbiotic products for ruminants:

1. Maintain the micro-ecological balance of the gastrointestinal tract: In the micro-ecological system formed by the normal microorganisms of ruminants, the dominant flora plays a decisive role in the entire microbial flora. Once the number of the original dominant flora decreases, the micro-ecological balance will be reduced. Imbalance and the replacement of the dominant population of microorganisms will lead to reduced production performance and reduced disease resistance of the body. As the dominant flora in the intestinal tract of animals, probiotic preparations can supplement the amount of normal flora, inhibit the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, and restore the balance of gastrointestinal flora.

2. Promote the formation of dominant intestinal flora and enhance disease resistance: The digestive tract of newborn ruminants is close to a sterile state, and the pH value of the gastrointestinal tract is close to neutral, which is conducive to the growth of intestinal pathogenic bacteria. After the lactic acid bacteria probiotic preparation reaches the gastrointestinal tract, it will form the dominant flora of lactic acid bacteria, form a defense barrier structure for normal intestinal microorganisms, and inhibit the pathogenic microorganisms such as passing bacteria or invading bacteria in the gastrointestinal mucosa through biological oxygen capture and competitive exclusion. Epithelial colonization and growth.

3. Nutrition-promoting effect: Adding beneficial microorganisms such as Bacillus to ruminants can produce hydrolytic enzymes, fermentation enzymes, etc. Aspergillus niger can produce amylase, protease, and pectinase, etc., which are beneficial to protein, fat, cellulose, and hemicellulose in feed decomposition. Aspergillus oryzae can produce phytase, which releases phosphorus from phytic acid and phytate to be absorbed and utilized by animals, and at the same time increases the absorption rate of calcium, magnesium, zinc and copper. Some beneficial bacteria can synthesize a variety of B vitamins and unknown growth-promoting factors, which can improve the nutritional value of feed, promote growth and improve production performance. Yeast, lactic acid bacteria, etc. provide nutrients for the protozoa in the forestomach, and the autolyzed protein of the protozoa also provides proteins with high biological value for animals.

4. Promote the utilization of ammonia: Probiotic preparations stimulate rumen microorganisms to synthesize bacterial proteins, thereby reducing the concentration of ammonia in the rumen, increasing the outflow of rumen microbial proteins from the rumen to the intestinal tract, and changing the amino acid composition of microbial proteins, which is beneficial The nutritional balance of amino acids in ruminants pointed out that the reason for the decrease of NH3 in the rumen due to yeast preparations is that more NH3 is converted into bacterial protein.

5. Promote weight gain and improve fattening performance: After feeding ruminant livestock microbial additive fermented concentrate, it can adjust the micro-ecological balance in the animal body; participate in the metabolism of protein, sugar, fat and mineral elements in the animal body; produce a variety of enzymes Increase the concentration of calcium and magnesium ions in the blood, reduce the content of potassium to improve mineral absorption, etc., improve the utilization rate of feed by the animal body, accelerate the growth rate, and promote the growth and development of ruminants.

6. Improve milk production and dairy product quality: In dairy farming, microbial milk enhancers can provide nutrients to the body through microorganisms, regulate the balance of gastrointestinal flora, reduce disease occurrence, enhance body resistance, promote feed digestion and absorption and Transformation and utilization of nutrients.

Instructions for use: Add 200g to each ton of concentrate, and the amount added to the premix concentrate should be converted in proportion.

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Address:Yard No. 8, Xiangshan Road, Food Professional Park, Advanced Manufacturing Development Zone, Xianglushan Town, Yiyang County, Luoyang City, Henan Province


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